Lost & Forgotten Music

Original music inspired by the games we play here on the podcast. All music composed by C Wilson Trull using GarageBand. Please do not distribute without written concent by me. 

Theme Song for the Podcast

Whispers from the Mirror

The CoLaCo Vision

Bells of Yule

Inflight Drink

Night in the Sprawl

Jumping A Beat

The Haunted Doll
The Haunted Doll has been taken off the shelf and wound up. As the music plays, the spirit of the little girl trapped within wants to play. But the rage knows that when the music ends, they will be put back on the shelf. She wants to play with you. Forever.

Ghost from the Water

Ghost from the Water was music originally designed for Chapter 1 of the Ghost in the Graveyard game. When the kids first discovered Alonya, the "ghost", rising from the water of Hood Lake.

You Don't Know


Truth to Materials


If Every Pork Chop Were Perfect